Ambition 2027
Internationalisation strategy
We will extend our global reach where are strong strategically, improve our visibility globally and promote Cranfield as a global brand for prestige education and research.

Priority areas
Increase international impact
Grow direct entry intakes
- Diversify our channels of engagement and routes to market.
- Support recruitment activities in key markets through our network of in-country staff, marketing communications and partnerships.
Expand agent-driven recruitment
- Develop our agent relationships to minimise institutional risk and build reputation.
- Introduce a consistent relationship management approach for all agents.
- Upskill them on our Cranfield Themes that have yet to experience agent-driven growth.
Deliver partnerships strategy
- Formalise our criteria for partnership working.
- Increase the number of international academic partnerships for wider institutional benefit.
- Ensure partnerships are socially responsible.
- Further develop our European Partnership Programme (EPP) and Kaplan partnership.
Enhanced visibility for our global reputation
Deepen academic engagement and global relations
- Support academic colleagues with promoting Cranfield to international students during conversations and overseas visits.
- Enhance relations with the diplomatic network/Whitehall departments.
Further enhance our alumni communities
- Work with our alumni/regional champions to promote Cranfield.
Enhance global thought leadership in the curriculum
- Reflect global issues in our curricula.
- Be culturally sensitive.
- Develop programmes that speak to our growing global influence.
A first-class international student experience
Enhance enquiry conversion
- Improve engagement with enquirers.
- Mature our conversion strategy.
- Invest in our student recruitment CRM capability.
- Improve our welcome for international students.
The ‘Cranfield International Experience’
- Deliver, articulate and evidence the Cranfield international student experience as a supportive platform for lifelong career success.
Opportunities for global citizenship
- Use our government networks to access grants and scholarships to support outward mobility.
Our strategy in action
“My goal is to make a difference in reducing physical and nutritional food loss and waste, helping to feed a growing population in a sustainable way. I feel extremely proud to have helped establish the first centre of its kind in Africa, which trains local farmers to reduce food loss, empowers women in agriculture and boosts the African economy by improving health and livelihoods."
Dr Natalia Falagan, Lecturer

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