Ambition 2027
Our Education strategy
Our learners will be known and valued for their distinctive skills and capabilities.

Priority areas
Developing the expertise of our academics and those who support learning and teaching.
This means:
- Building a culture of educational excellence.
- Developing the academic practice of our staff and encouraging professional recognition.
- Reviewing the training needs of our staff and the provision available to meet those needs.
Improving the experience of all our students.
This means:
- Creating a distinctive pan-university learning experience that builds on our values.
- Engaging with and listening to our students to inform improvement.
- Meeting the diversity of need of our learners.
- Enhancing our study and employability skills offer.
Enhancing the portfolio of our courses, our partnerships and the quality of education.
This means:
- Driving and enabling innovation to support growth.
- Streamlining our portfolio to focus on what we do best.
- Building portfolio resilience.
- Regulating in a way that enables innovation, reduces red tape, and drives continuous improvement.
Developing the digital and physical learning environment.
This means:
- Creating an inclusive, accessible and efficient learning environment that supports growth.
- Creating learning spaces which enable innovative and distinctive learning approaches.
- Investing in our educational technology to support our digital learning aspirations.
Our strategy in action

“The Cranfield group project is a really important thing that we look at, particularly through the interview process. We need graduates who are pragmatic, practical people, who have got a good strong academic background, but can solve problems and work together as a team, to deliver our missions.”
Kathryn Graham, Systems Engineering Manager, Surrey Satellite Technology
“When students entrust you with their future, it's a great responsibility for you to have. If they tell me they had an interview and got the job, it makes me feel so proud. They came here, undertook all this work, and eventually Cranfield had a profound effect in shaping their future."
Dr Ioannis Giannopoulos, Senior Lecturer

“I absolutely enjoy the continuous challenge of helping to develop the student learning experience, both inside and outside of the classroom. We pride ourselves on making sure that we give our students the best possible education and I hope that I have contributed in some way to this through my own passion for teaching."
Professor Joe Nellis, Deputy Dean and Professor of Global Economy
“I am passionate about providing an excellent service to our students. We have a fantastic network across the University who work so hard to reduce and remove students’ stresses, enable them to achieve what they should be achieving and really make a difference to their lives.”
Rebecca Smyth, Senior Assistant Registrar

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