Ambition 2027
Estates strategy
We will enhance, maintain and protect the standing of our University and drive engagement with our key audiences, underpinning our ambition to be known globally for tackling the real-world issues of today to deliver a sustainable future.

Priority areas
Continued development of the Cranfield campus in line with the approved Masterplan
This means:
- Delivering major capital projects that support and demonstrate our commitment to a net zero carbon campus.
- Upgrading our supporting infrastructure to further our journey towards a net zero carbon campus and contributing to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) in the area of responsible consumption.
- Implementation of the wayfinding strategy to provide consistent signage, building naming and numbering.
- Attracting inward investment in our facilities.
Continuing our journey to net zero and achieving our environmental targets
This means:
- Proactively working together as a community and harnessing our academic expertise to achieve these targets.
- Aligning our targets with stakeholder expectations, Government targets and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, including the generation of affordable clean energy and responsible consumption and production.
- Developing and delivering projects against our decarbonisation strategy.
Maintaining safe, accessible, secure and compliant campuses
This means:
- Delivering against our health and safety strategy and increasing meaningful participation from staff/students in managing health and safety.
- Completing a campus-wide assessment of accessibility issues and then using this to implement a programme of improvements across the campus.
- Making sure members of our community feel safe on our sites with measures in place such as street lighting and safer walking routes.
- Ensuring our buildings are maintained to the appropriate standards and achieve statutory building compliance.
- Maintaining a security presence on the Cranfield campus through our on-site security team.
Ensuring value for money in the development of new projects
This means:
- Following best practice for procurement.
- Seeking appropriate third-party funding where possible.
Ensuring facilities are managed to meet present and future working and learning requirements
This means:
- Utilising our space effectively and efficiently.
- Developing a physical environment which supports all stakeholders and all activities.
- Utilising our Cranfield campus as an active research and demonstration facility (‘living lab’).
- Developing opportunities with third party organisations.
Our strategy in action
“We were delighted to be awarded funding through the Phase 2 of the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS) to support our ambitious net zero target. The funding has allowed us to significantly reduce gas usage on the district heating. The extension to the solar farm, installation of LED lighting projects and the large battery all help to reduce electricity use and better balance demand. Further funding from Phase 3 of the PSDS is allowing us to de-carbonise our two large aircraft hangars with insulation, more efficient doors, heating improvements and solar photovoltaics.”
Gareth Ellis, Energy and Environment Manager

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