Flexible study
You can choose how you study with Cranfield.
Our full-time master’s courses are designed to be completed in a year. Most full-time research degrees take three years.
However, it may suit you to study while you are working. Over half our master’s and a third of our research students study part-time.
Course structure
Our courses are structured so that you don’t need to live locally to study part-time. You will need to attend some modules in person and you can schedule your course structure around your commitments. These usually take the form of one-week blocks at varying times of the year, minimising the time you need to be away from your place of work and your family.
Aerospace, Energy and Sustainability, Environment and Agrifood, School of Management, Manufacturing and Materials, Transport Systems and Water courses are delivered via the Cranfield site. Defence and Security courses are split – the Forensics courses are delivered mainly at Cranfield and the others are based at the Shrivenham site.
Multi-channel delivery
Blended learning opportunities include online materials, work-based projects, self-study, assessment by assignments and the latest tools for remote access to systems and information.
Business relevant
Your project or research can be formulated around your workplace, so that you can access relevant expertise and apply the outcomes to your organisation. Part-time and full-time students are taught together on some modules, enabling you to network with people in your subject area and exposing you to global thinking.
Postgraduate apprenticeships
Cranfield is leading the way with its portfolio of Level 7 Apprenticeships for UK students in UK companies. These part-time degree programmes provide opportunities for businesses to develop and retain their workforce and are funded through the UK Government Apprenticeship Levy. Our portfolio is evolving to incorporate qualifications across a wide range of subjects and specialisms. Read more about apprenticeships on our website. You can also check the courses which are available on the Apprenticeship Levy on our website.

“I have learned a lot about myself while studying at Cranfield. The course is not only technically difficult but it is also very demanding. Learning how to cope with all the demands of my professional work, degree learning and I somehow managed to squeeze in getting married, between handing in my thesis, is what I am most proud of.”
William Morris,
Senior Engineer, Moog Aircraft Group,
(Computational Fluid Dynamics MSc 2019)